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A Glimpse of My August 2024!

A Glimpse of My August 2024!

Hey Friends!

For my update this month, I thought I'd share this little video with you!

In August I spent a lot of time with my new friend and co-worker, Tiegan Anderson. He's 18 and right out of high school, and I'm in my second year with Doulos, which unfortunately means that I'm no longer the cool, young, new guy! I've been replaced... 🤣

In other news, I got a cat!

But most importantly, God has been so good. It's been wonderful being back with students. Before motor lab started, I was drafted to help with the pre-k 3 kiddos as they adjusted to school for the first time, and WOW was that a great exercise in patience! It was hard listening to that much crying and wailing. However, as the kids bonded with their teachers and realized that school isn't the end of the world, it struck me how crucial these early years are for their development as little human beings and followers of Christ!

It's inspired me to be more diligent in presenting the Gospel (as best as I can in Spanish) and the love of Christ to even the littlest of these!

Hey! My current goal is to raise $1000/mo for longevity and greater effectiveness in my ministry in the DR, and I'm about $250/mo short. If you'd like to be a part of the work God's given me to do in a practical way, please consider donating! Reach out if you'd like more info.

Author: Timothy Bemenderfer (08/31/2024)