3 min read

Dominican Dispatch: Back to Work!

Dominican Dispatch: Back to Work!
don't worry, it's... very safe

Back at it again!

Christmas break was totally awesome, but it's been so exciting to be down here working with my little fellas in the motor lab again! So many times I've been struck with how privileged I am to have the opportunity to serve the Lord in this space. It's so crazy. I've been at it for more than half a year and I still can't believe it sometimes.

Thought I'd try an interview format for this update!

So what's new?

I've started implementing my character lab ideas, and it's gone really well so far! This week and last week we've been learning about patience, and next week we'll start learning about perseverance! Most of the students have been super receptive, which is so encouraging. Again, so blessed that I have the opportunity to both help with their physical development, and also show them what godly character looks like!

me and the boys

I got invited to an overnight mountaintop birthday party last week! It was quite the adventure. Another friend and I rode our motorcycles there, and his got a flat tire while we were in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, there were some "mechanics" in a little village nearby that were able to fix it up! Praise the Lord! My poor bike took a beating on that mountain road, but thankfully I made it back safely with minimal issues! Might've wiped out once... but oh well. It's all part of the experience!

What's your hope for this semester?

Deep in my heart I really want at least one of my fellas in the motor lab to genuinely receive Christ as their personal Savior. I hope and pray that all of them will! But yeah, even just one...

How are you doing, like for real?

Mentally, I've had a ton of drive and energy! I love my work, and I'm learning to be way more diligent and responsible with what God's given me. At the same time, I can sense my energy waning a bit. It's honestly been hard to keep track of everything I have to take care of as an adult living on my own. But again, it's helped me become a lot more diligent and efficient!

Emotionally, I'm doing pretty well, but for some reason I'm starting to feel a little heaviness. Maybe a little sadness. Not sure what to make of it, and I don't want to be controlled by my feelings as they come and go, but I also know I should be aware of them. God's got this!

Spiritually, I'm going steady! Part of learning to be diligent has been learning to be focused. That focus has helped me maintain my spiritual disciplines. I see myself growing spiritually in so many ways, and it brings me so much joy as I keep walking with the Lord! He is so undeniably incredible.

Physically, I'm alive and well!

Financially, because Doulos isn't paying for my meals at school this semester, my budget has increased significantly, and I'm about $100/mo short of my goal!

How can I pray?

  • I really don't want to lose my energy and momentum in the motor lab!
  • For emotional, mental, and spiritual peace in my heart
  • For receptive hearts of flesh in all the fellas I work with
  • That I would be able to reach my financial goal sooner rather than later!

How can I give?

If you feel led to share, you can give online right here! Or if you'd like to send a check, you can email me at Timothy.Bemenderfer@DoulosDiscovery.org

It's so hard to describe how awesome it is to be a part of this special ministry. I couldn't be here if I didn't have an epic prayer and support squad! Thank you so much.

Author: Timothy Bemenderfer (01/31/2024)