2 min read

Here Comes Year 2!

Here Comes Year 2!

We are so back.

Trading tropical beaches for corn fields might not seem like the best deal to everyone, but I was really blessed to spend summer break in Iowa. While the DR has become my home, and I missed it dearly, God gave me lots to do, and many wonderful moments with family and friends.

Here's a few I thought I'd share...

Summer Highlights:

  • Eating Indian food with my younger brother who wants to serve in India some day!
  • Being one of 16 groomsmen in my oldest brother's wedding
  • Hanging out with all of my five brothers in one place for the first time in years
  • Driving a car again!
  • Visiting friends I haven't seen in a looonnnggg time
  • Having students and friends from the DR reach out to me even while I was gone
  • Sitting out on my parents' porch and falling asleep
  • Fundraising for year 2

It was both a restful and eventful time, and I'm super grateful! But now, I'm back in the DR, and a storm approaches...

new motor lab room!

The Storm Before the Storm

Yikes! The school year is almost upon us! Students will return mid August, which means that all of us are scrambling to clean, organize, set-up, and decorate our spaces. The motor lab moved rooms, so I've been working on arranging and rearranging everything for the coming chaos. I'm really glad the motor lab's in this new space, because it's larger and has slightly better ventilation, so it probably won't get as hot when the kids come in and start exercising!

Even though I know it'll be a definite challenge, I'm really looking forward to setting the tone and expectation for this whole year when the students arrive. After serving in the motor lab for two semesters, I have a much better idea of what the kids need and how I can both lead and serve them, and I'm confident that God will do powerful things in year 2.

Hey! My current goal is to raise $1000/mo for longevity and greater effectiveness in my ministry in the DR, and I'm about $250/mo short. If you'd like to be a part of the work God's given me to do in a practical way, please consider donating! Reach out if you'd like more info.

Author: Timothy Bemenderfer (07/31/2024)