A Few Lessons I Learned This Year...

I've officially finished my first year serving in the DR with Doulos! Right now I'm spending summer break back in Iowa with my family, and it's given me lots of free time to reflect on the past 12 months and the lessons God has taught me! I've enjoyed chilling and processing, so I thought I'd share a bit with you. He's taught me a whole lot, but here's a few that really stood out!
I should probably rest this week, I wonder what I have going on. Hmmm, Monday night–WyldLife club, Tuesday night, oh right–Bible study. What about Wednesday? Whoops, forgot I have some training that evening! And of course, I also have Bible study on Thursday night. I think I agreed to help XYZ with their blah blah blah on Friday. Oh snap, I'm going out on Saturday and helping at church on Sunday! Oh well, I'll just chill next week...
I really struggled, and still struggle, with saying yes too much! I'll add a gazillion things to my schedule, and then feel exhausted and overwhelmed because of how much I have going on. The Lord has been teaching me to consider my capacity, and say "no" sometimes. I don't have to agree to every single thing I get invited to be a part of!
"So teach us to number our days
that we may get a heart of wisdom." – Psalm 90:12 (ESV)
A wise friend of mine told me something profound not too long after I landed. She said "the days are long, but the months are short." At the time I didn't quite understand exactly what she meant, but I sure do now! Sometimes it feels like the days drag and drag, but then I look back, and boom! There goes a year! Time flies by, and I'm realizing how important it is to be intentional about what I do with it. There's only so many of these special days I get to spend on this earth caring for others and storing up treasure in heaven!
"If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." – Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)
In this wonderful season, I've felt some not so wonderful things–loneliness, exhaustion, confusion, and grief. But I'm so grateful for the hard things, because they've taught me to draw really, really close to God. Closer than I ever have before. This means seeking Him out more than just a couple minutes in the morning or before bed.
The cool thing is, as I seek Him, I find Him! He doesn't hide. I've found Him when I'm at the river alone, at school while I'm working, at Bible study with my friends–He really is everywhere!
It's humbling that He continues to work in and through me, and I'm so looking forward to what He'll show me and how He'll grow me next year.
My Question for YOU!
Is there something cool God's been showing you this year?
Author: Timothy Bemenderfer (06/24/2024)
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