2 min read

Renewing Minds

Renewing Minds
my mentor Andy Langenfeld, and a couple little fellas in the motor lab!
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:2

Hey friends and family!

I've been struggling with how to describe what I do, trying to figure out what words to use and how to articulate it. The motor lab is unique. But then I realized it's not that complicated!

I get to be a light to more than 200 kids every single day. I get to pour out my time and energy to impact and disciple the next generation. I get to help renew the minds of kids so that they can grow to discern what is good and acceptable and perfect in God's eyes. I get to empty myself daily for the sake of others!

This is what we do here. This is Doulos. And I couldn't be more excited to be a part of it!

food with friends, Splendor, and the puppy I took care of!

So what's new?

Outside of Doulos, I've had a couple fun things going on!

  • I had three friends over for a Chinese meal in my little apartment. I see hospitality as a big part of my ministry, so I was really grateful to have this opportunity.
  • Dominican Independence Day just passed, and we had a long weekend because of it! I got to dog sit for a couple families, which was a totally new experience for me, because I'm not a dog person!
  • There's the possibility that I could shift some of my time and energy at Doulos towards helping with their social media networks, so I started an online certification course in Social Media Management!
  • I finally got sick again! I'm proud of myself for being healthy for almost two months, compared to last semester when I was sick practically every two weeks!
  • God's been teaching me through my mentor Andy and other missionaries I've been talking with about the difference between surviving and thriving! It's been on my heart to reevaluate my monthly support need. I want to live well, and do more for His kingdom, not just scrape by.

So what can I pray for?

Please pray for God's direction in my heart as I pray through and reevaluate my monthly support need and learn what it means to thrive instead of just survive!

My Question for YOU!

Have you ever traveled to another country? If so, where?

Author: Timothy Bemenderfer (02/28/2024)